Thursday, July 31, 2008
But there came a point when I got tired, not of loving but
of sacrificing all that I have..
Then a thought came to my mind...
I havegiven everything but have received nothing but pain and tears in return..
Is this enough to prove that I really love that person?
Or is it a sign telling myself to stop sacrificing and learn to love myself,
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I always wish for the same thing...
Someone to love and who'll love me back..
I think I'm gonna wish for something else...
the wisdom and maturity to realize that I won't find what I want by looking for it...
Not expect someone else to give me what I never gave myself...
That I'm not a half, waiting to be made a whole and even if that special person never comes along...
I'll be just FINE!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
In Love With A Married Man
Here are only a few of the many challenges and disadvantages you'll experience if you become entangled in a relationship taken a solemn vow to love, honor and cherish another woman.
* You'll be alone on vacations, major holidays and most weekends. These are family times. You may think you're important to him, but face it, you're not family. They have a prior claim on his time and his loyalty. You'll always be No. 2 and that's not fun!
* He may promise to be with you when the children are grown, or when his parents have passed on, or when his wife is strong enough to stand alone but after all, he's a cheater and he's already lying to one woman. How can you possibly believe his promises?
* Yoyr friends and family will be against this relationship, because they love you and want only the best for you. You will not be able to discuss matters with them, and they certainly won't be welcoming him into their inner circle.
* When you're out on town, he'll frequently look over his shoulder, not wanting to be seen in your company. When you're alone together, he'll often check his watch, needing to be home before his wife gets suspicious, He'll never be able to relax completely. Hence, neither will you.
* What about those office parties, family birthdays, wedding, even funerals? You'll be attending these functions alone, with no visible partner to support you or keep you company. You'll be an objct of pity and many will wonder what's wrong with you, and why you can't find a boyfriend.
* Life is short and youth is fleeting. You are wasting valuable time when you should be laying a firm foundation for a bright future with someone you can trust. Wake up and smell the coffee. You deserve so much better than this two-timer.
* To him, it's a fling, an enjoyable interlude in a marriage which is comfortable, but may have become routine. Stolen moments with you provide elements of thrill and danger to an otherwise humdrum existence.
* Even if he says he's ready to leave home and set up household with you, consider this: If wife No. 1 couldn't trust him, why would you think wife No. 2 would be able to? You'll be taking on someone else's heartaches. Seriously now, who needs it?
* Most serious of all, if there are children involved, think of them. He may not be much, but he's their dad. Are you willing to be responsible for breaking up their family? If they're old enough to remember that he left their mother because of you, it will be difficult to become an effective stepparent.
* These are only a few of the problems you'll encounter, if you allow yourself to fall in love with a married man. Use your willpower and your common sense and walk in the opposite direction as quickly as you can. As the old adage states, "There's plenty of fish in the sea". Why waste your valuable time, attention and talent on a stale, second-hand junk variety, who was hooked by someone else years ago?
You deserve a much better future than he can offer you. Leave the swamp, move out into the sunshine and go after it.
We all go through breakups. They can be rough, and they can be not so painful; no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. Breakups are handled differently by different people, and whatever method you use, do it if it helps you! These steps may not be perfect for everyone, but they can help.
1. Realize what happened and why. You have to make it clear to yourself that this is not your fault. It takes two people to make a relationship start, and two people to have lead it to the break up.
2. Have your good long cries. It's okay to be hurt and feel alone and feel like you have messed up. But you have to know that you are a good person and this is not all one-sided. Even if crying may not seem to have a point or be relevant, for some people it does help.
3. Think through everything in your head. Maybe even try to ask yourself what went wrong. But you also have to think of why you two broke up. There had to have been a reason for it all to end right? If there was a reason but it wasn't a good one, well then this person isn't worth your time.
4. Deal with the hate phase. This is where you want to just scream because you are so angry, furious even. The amount of anger you feel all depends on how bad the "split" was. You may even feel like you hate yourself, but get out of that feeling fast!! It's a waste of time to be hating and ripping yourself apart for no reason.
5. Talk to your friends. They are always a source of advice and help. If you are close with any family members, they may be a good source of advice/guidance. You want people around you that love you and who will help you see that you should love yourself too and that you don't need this sort of pain.
6. Write all your feelings down if it is still seeming unbearable. Write in a journal or write poems.
7. Keep fond memories. Sometimes there are things that remind us of another person. Say, you hear a song or see a picture that reminds you of your ex, you probably get all sad and worked up. Well, instead of feeling that way just think of how happy that memory used to make you, and leave it at that. Don't then say, " That made me so happy. I miss him so much! Why did this happen?!" Just leave that memory as a happy thought and maybe in some way comforting but in the past.
8. Don't overreact. You may be feeling lonely, and want to be with someone, but don't go back to your ex unless you really believe you should be together.
9. Have fun! Go out with all your girlfriends and have a couple of laughs! Try to be happy and see that you still have so much more. You deserve to have a good time.
10. Let go. See that there is no sense in still being heartbroken, regretful,and having hatred toward that person. Realize that maybe that person was your first love, but all good things have to come to an end. But when they do, that's when you see all the flaws in your relationship and that it's best that you aren't together. When you think of your old memories, do not think of them as something you want to have back! Think of them as things in the past that you have put there and left. You have to walk out of your heartache, knowing that you have done all that you can do, said all that you can say, and given as much as you could give. If you feel all this and that you did your part, but he didn't meet you halfway, then you'll be just fine.
* Try to move on. Not move on as in find another guy, but move on as in try to let go of all the hurtful memories and thoughts.
* Take a bath (or do something else relaxing) to calm yourself and forget about anything bad that might have happened.
* The only way that you will know truly if you're over your ex, is if you see him. This means that when you see him you feel no hate, no sadness, no regret, no nothing.
* Try to think of the good times that you and that person shared together. There are always good memories in ANY relationship!
* Get through it! You can; people have done it, so don't think that you should take the easy way out.
* What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
* It would be best to get rid of his stuff. It would most likely help take your mind off him.
* Do not put yourself through more pain than you have to. Do not think about where he would be right now and if you should visit. Don't try to talk to him about the break up. Don't make yourself think negatively about yourself or your judgment, or anything else that will make you doubt your decisions or yourself.
* If you want to save things from the relationship (letters, ticket stubs, that cute pink teddy bear), put it in a box. Put all of your other ex-boyfriends' things in the box, too. Look through the box every once in awhile; you'll see that yes, he was important, but you were you before him, and you will be you now. You got over those other men, you will get over this one, too.
* Just think about it... it's his or her loss- you're better off without them...
* This too shall pass. Yes, the pain wears off. That is hard to imagine when right in the hurt...but it does wear out. And one feels better, sooner rather than later!
* Everyone goes through a break up and everyone has to get over it. It may seem impossible to get through a break up when you're going through it. But just try to say to yourself, "I will be okay, I will get through this, I can."
* Follow your heart.
* These steps may not apply to everyone. We all handle heartbreak in different ways, so it's all up to you!
* This is not advice given by a professional. This is advice given by someone who has gone through it all and is mostly talking from personal experience.
* If this doesn't work out, then find your own way to deal. (Without hurting yourself purposely, ex: Cutting.) You know your heart so do what you feel helps mend it.
P.S. just feel good about yourself and dont take this situation against you ..this is just part of everythn ..just live life 2 d fullest and be happy with the things that hav got into you..just the way that i do...Move on and Be Merry for lyf has bin always short and beautiful...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
loving someone at the wrong time.
loving someone at the wrong time.
We have the right love at the wrong
speaks the truth when it comes to
loving someone. It's not always the
case that a love relationship will
exist or can be worked out when love
is real, time element must also be
I guess I always knew inside, I
wouldn't have you for a long time.
While one can always love, hope, and
have faith, he must also count in a
sacrifice and accept the outcome no
matter what. Acceptance of a loss is
not merely a defeat itself; it is just
a process of gaining wisdom in life.
Those dreams of yours are shining on
distant shores and if they are calling
you away I don't have right to make
you stay.
They say that if you love someone, you
should learn to let him go. How ironic
it can get to a certain point of view.
How can you let go of someone you're
still so much in love with? I guess
great understanding and selflessness
is the key to such love - an
unconditional love. It's when you
finally learn to say, "I want you to
be happy." without considering your
As what the song goes "But somewhere down the
road our roads are gonna cross again it doesn't
really matter when. Somewhere down the
road I know that heart of yours will
come to see that you belong with me."
Sometimes in life, the decision of
letting someone go actually doesn't
end up right there. It turns out to be
just a test of time. Sooner or later,
without further anticipation, your
paths will cross again. But what if it
doesn't? Then again, one could only
hope for it to happen or much better -
just have faith!
So, what's the difference between
hoping and having faith? When you are
hoping, it doesn't always necessarily
include faith. But when you are having
faith, you are actually hoping at the
same time. Faith is a strong belief of
the existence of an unforeseen object
or a person or the occurrence of an
unforeseen event.
Sometimes goodbyes are not forever. It
doesn't matter if you're gone. I'll
still believe in us together.
Sometimes having faith is just as hard
as letting go. Often, we get down and
lose hope. And instead of being
positive, we put our focus on the
pain. But if we could only realize and
see that what we have done could have
possibly planted a "seed of love" in
the other person's heart, having faith
wouldn't be too difficult. We can then
believe that love never really fails
after all.
I understand more then you think I
can. You have to go out on your own so
you can find your way back home.
True, love conquers all. It conquers
us. They say that if you were really
meant for each other you will end up
with each other. But little did we
know that it actually lies in a
mystery - we don't choose to love or
be loved, love chooses us. A little
time is all we need. The "seed of
love" that we have left wouldn't
suddenly sprang-up into a tree. It's
nurtured through time. And when the
right time comes, it will return to
you in a manner you wouldn't have
Letting go is just another way to say
I'll always love you so. We have the
right love at the wrong time. Maybe
we've only just begun. Maybe the best
is yet to come.
There was a saying that goes, "The
fastest way to receive love is to give
love. The fastest way to lose love is
to hold it too tightly. In addition to
these, the best way to keep love is to
give it wings." Letting go is not
always easy. In fact it can break you
and cause you a lot of pain. But
letting go is not really the end of
love; it is only the beginning of a
greater love. a love that time alone
can understand.
We cant beg someone to stay if they
want to leave and be with someone
else, we have to admit that love
doesnt give us the license to own a
I Love You in 100 Languages
I Love You in 100 Languages
I Love You' in 100 Languages
English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - A
Mahatma Ghandi: A Professor of LOVE???
Hatred ever kills, love never dies such is the vast difference between the two. What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves a burden in reality for it increases hatred.
Between husband and wife there should be no secrets from one another. I have a very high opinion of the marriage tie. I hold that husband and wife merge in each other. They are one in two or two in one.
A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.